Information Sheet


  • Appointments for grading eggs are required: no drop-ins accepted.

Please call 705-724-6245 to make a grading appointment

  • Customers are asked to drop-off their eggs to be graded at their appointment time and are encouraged to pick-up their graded eggs after they have been notified that they are ready. An additional fee will apply for overnight or multi-day storage of graded eggs
  • Eggs to be graded must arrive on flats, preferably plastic flats. Plastic flats are available to customers for a damage/loss deposit of $2/flat.
  • Eggs to be graded must be clean prior to entering grading facility: eggs with visible contamination will not enter the grading process (no exceptions)
    • Egg cleaning tips:
      • ‘dirty’ eggs must be wiped clean by the owner before entering grading facility
      • When cleaning eggs, do not wash cold eggs; allow eggs to reach room temperature before washing and use water that is room temperature also (same temperature as egg)
      • do not use harsh cleaners or disinfectants such as chlorine, household cleaners or disinfectants
    • rejected eggs (visibly dirty or do not pass the grading process) will be returned, if they are not broken
    • A grading fee of $1.40/dozen eggs that enters the grading process (pass or fail) will be charged (plus HST)
    • Grading Fee Breakdown:
Expense Amount (per doz.)
Ontario Egg Marketing Levy $0.40
Operating Expenses (cleaning, utilities, building maintenance, insurance, etc) $0.37
Egg Carton $0.25
CFIA and regulatory labelling $0.13
Labour & Return on Investment $0.25
Total               $1.40